

Type scale

Header 1 h1

Header 2 h2

Header 3 h3

Header 4 h4

Header 5 h5
Header 6 h6

Paragraph p

Inline elements

This is a link. a

This is strong text. strong

This is emphasized text. em

This is bold text. b

This is italic text. i

This is underlined text. u

This is deleted text. del

This is inserted text. ins

This is strikethrough text. s

This is superscript text. sup

This is subscript text. sub

This is small text. small

This is an abbreviation. abbr

This is an inline quote. q

This is a citation. cite

This is a definition. dfn

This is highlighted text. mark

This is a variable. var

This is a time element: . time


Keyboard input: Cmd kbd

This is some code: <span>code</span> code

This is sample output: Uncaught TypeError: 'undefined' is not a function samp

This is preformatted text: pre

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
Senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis. Diam vel quam elementum pulvinar etiam non quam.

Adipiscing vitae proin sagittis nisl rhoncus mattis rhoncus urna neque.
Elit at imperdiet dui accumsan.
Justo laoreet sit amet cursus sit amet.
Ultricies leo integer malesuada nunc vel risus commodo viverra maecenas.
Auctor elit sed vulputate mi sit amet mauris commodo quis.


This is a video: video

This is a sound clip: audio

This is an image: img

random placeholder image

Wrap the img in a figure to include a caption with figcaption:

random placeholder image
This image is from Unsplash.


This is an ordered list: ol

  1. List item 1 li
  2. List item 2 li
  3. List item 3 li

This is an unordered list: ul

  • List item 1 li
  • List item 2 li
  • List item 3 li


Table Caption caption
Table Heading 1 Table Heading 2 Table Heading 3 Table Heading 4 Table Heading 5
Table Cell 1 Table Cell 2 Table Cell 3 Table Cell 4 Table Cell 5
Table Cell 1 Table Cell 2 Table Cell 3 Table Cell 4 Table Cell 5
Table Cell 1 Table Cell 2 Table Cell 3 Table Cell 4 Table Cell 5
Table Cell 1 Table Cell 2 Table Cell 3 Table Cell 4 Table Cell 5
Table Footer 1 Table Footer 2 Table Footer 3 Table Footer 4 Table Footer 5

Forms and inputs

Text inputs
View disabled state for Text inputs
Text inputs (disabled)
Date and time inputs
View disabled state for Date and Time inputs
Date and time inputs (disabled)
Other inputs

View disabled state for Other inputs
Other inputs (disabled)

<input> buttons
<button> buttons


This is a horizontal rule. hr

This is a blockquote. blockquote

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

Aenean pharetra magna ac placerat vestibulum lectus mauris ultrices eros.

Aliquet eget.

This is a description list. dl

This is a description term. dt
And this is the description. dd
This is another description term. dt
With a different description. dd